Advice and Articles

Female Student Writing Chinese Exam

3 Mistakes To Avoid In Chinese Composition

Crafting a compelling composition in the Chinese language demands a keen understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and cultural nuances. While it’s natural to make mistakes along the learning journey, identifying and rectifying these errors is crucial for academic success and language proficiency. In this article, we will explore some common mistakes students can avoid when writing Chinese compositions.

3 Ways To Teach Preschoolers Chinese At Home

3 Ways To Teach Preschoolers Chinese At Home

ENQUIRE NOW Teaching Chinese at home to preschoolers can be a fun and enriching experience for both you and your child. However, how can parents make the process of learning Chinese fun yet effective for your little ones? Hua Cheng Education Centre, a provider of Chinese enrichment classes in Singapore, has compiled a set of

Qualities to Consider When Choosing a Chinese Enrichment Centre

Qualities to Consider When Choosing a Chinese Enrichment Centre

ENQUIRE NOW Equipping your child with the ability to master the Chinese language can open doors to a multitude of opportunities in today’s increasingly interconnected world. Whether for academic excellence or future career prospects, selecting the right Chinese enrichment centre for your child is a critical decision. However, finding the ideal fit can feel overwhelming

Chinese Preschool Enrichment Hua Cheng

Nurturing Young Minds: The Power of Chinese Enrichment

ENQUIRE NOW In today’s dynamic educational landscape, the debate surrounding the pros and cons of introducing Chinese enrichment classes to preschoolers has gained significant traction. Recent news articles have ignited discussions about the potential merits and challenges of such an approach, leaving parents to ponder the most effective path for their children’s educational journey. As

3 Effective Tips To Get Your Preschooler Interested In Chinese

3 Effective Tips To Get Your Preschooler Interested In Chinese

ENQUIRE NOW Chinese, with its rich cultural heritage and growing significance in international affairs, is a language that holds immense potential. However, introducing Mandarin to your child during their preschool years can be challenging, especially since many families now predominantly speak English at home. Hua Cheng Education Centre, a leading Chinese language centre in Singapore,

3 Ways To Score Better For PSLE Chinese Composition

3 Ways To Score Better For PSLE Chinese Composition

ENQUIRE NOW PSLE Chinese Composition is an important component of the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) in Singapore. It requires students to demonstrate their proficiency in writing Chinese by crafting well-structured and engaging compositions. Scoring well in this section can significantly boost overall results. However, this component is a crucial aspect that many students find

3 Benefits Of Enrolling Your Child Into A Chinese Enrichment Centre

3 Benefits Of Enrolling Your Child Into A Chinese Enrichment Centre

ENQUIRE NOW In Singapore’s diverse society, being bilingual or multilingual holds immense value. Fluency in Chinese, one of the most widely spoken languages in the country, offers numerous advantages. For this reason, enrolling your child in Chinese enrichment classes can provide them invaluable benefits, ranging from enhanced linguistic abilities to preserving heritage and identity. Hua

Current Events Questions in Secondary

ENQUIRE NOW Discussion and written responses on current events and news are now a required question format for Secondary school students. It can be frustrating for both parents and students alike, if caught in the double-bind of lack of updated news knowledge and inability to express one’s opinion fluently in Chinese. Fret not, our teachers

Strokes as Building Blocks of Chinese Language

笔画 as Building Blocks of The Chinese Language

ENQUIRE NOW English words are formed by the alphabet. What about the Chinese Language? Schools may neglect to emphasize this, but 笔画 (types of Chinese brush strokes) are the building blocks of Chinese characters. In our N1-N2 programmes, these essential brush strokes are gradually introduced during each lesson. Children are encouraged to apply this knowledge


教育指南: 新加坡华文教育面临的“地震”

ENQUIRE NOW 从 2021 年开始实行的新加坡教改,毫无疑问将会给华文教育带来巨大的挑战,对华文教 育的冲击不亚于一场“地震”。 小学离校考试将采用“分八级”的积分等级来评估学生的学习成绩, 较以前采用的百分 制计分,学生之间的分数差不会像以前那么细微。 新制度下,学生报读特选中学是先看积分等级总分,再看高级华文成绩。虽然优势将不如 以往明显,但修读高级华文的学生报读特选中学时仍将继续获优先考量。小六学生报读同一所 特选中学时,在积分等级总分相同的情况下,修读高级华文的学生依旧保有升学优势。如果争夺 有限学额的学生都修读高级华文,则以高级华文成绩来衡量,考虑的先后顺序依次为特优、优异 和及格。 另一方面,学生在中学修读高级华文的条件也将调整。小学离校考试积分等级总分不超 过 8 分的学生自动获得修读高级华文的资格;总分介于 9 分至 14 分的学生,只要华文科目考取 1 分或 2 分,以及高级华文科目考获特优或优异,也可修读高级华文。 笔者与华程校方资深人士一致认为,新的教改目标显然是为了削弱考试的重要性,过分强 调考试分数势必会阻碍孩子们的全人发展。政府期望在新的教育制度下培养出更多适应未来社 会的人才,并提倡以人为本,而不是绞尽脑汁与别人竞争。那么高级华文在新制度下将扮演怎样 的角色呢? 新的教育制度虽然可以有效地减少竞争,但同时也会使家长和学生产生放弃修读高级华 文的想法。一些家长和学生在研究新的教育制度后,会觉得只要积分等级总分够高,读不读高级 华文没那么重要。尤其是对学习华文没兴趣又比较吃力,而会考的其它科目成绩较好的学生及 家长的这种想法尤为迫切。 但笔者认为,家长对华文、对高级华文重要性的认识,不应局限于在分数上的认识,更不 要因为这次教育改革,而让这场“地震”真的给学生带来破坏力很大的“伤害”。因为华语不 仅仅是单纯的语言,也是构成学生的价值观、根源和共识的重要部分,华语可以使学生直接接触 到一种思想理念,一种文化传统。况且现在中国在世界上扮演着举足轻重的角色,华语作为一种 重要的商业语言,价值也在上升。从这一点上看,从小学习华语的新加坡人肯定占有很大的优势, 这也是学习华语的潜在实际价值。期望我们的家长和学生在这场“地震”中保有清醒的头脑。 综上所述,这场教育改革带来的“地震”,大家既不要惶恐,也不要盲目乐观,更不要因为 一时的错觉而做出令今后遗憾的决定。无论如何,家长应该有清醒的认识,掌握双语,接受两种价 值观念,会给我们的孩子带来在世界立足的独特优势。因此华文的学习是绝对不能放松的。 “地震”之后我们生活依旧,学习依旧,华文教育依旧。