2024下半年 华程学生荣誉榜

Heartiest Congratulations to our deserved winners of the 品学兼优奖 and 学业飞跃奖!

At Hua Cheng, it is our mission to partner every child and achieve Chinese Language Mastery the fun way! Armed with proven proprietary curriculum, top-notch teachers and conducive environment, Hua Cheng is capable of consistently producing ACHIEVERS and becomes countless parents’ No. 1 Trusted Choice for empowering their children to acquire desired Chinese results.

品学兼优奖 Achiever Award is awarded to outstanding students who have demonstrated not only academic excellence, but have also consistently embodied good moral values such as empathy for others, politeness and strong desire to learn.

学业飞跃奖 Academic Leap Award is awarded to hardworking students who have shown impressive leap in their academic journey at Hua Cheng and achieved overwhelming improvements in their Chinese Language abilities.

Each year in May and October, our teachers will nominate best performing students for the two awards. After going through stringent selection criteria and evaluation, deserving cream of the crop students will be presented with the prestigious ACHIEVER & ACADEMIC LEAP AWARDS in June and November.

Let us give your child a lift and show them the fun way towards Chinese Language Mastery. Because at Hua Cheng, WE CAN!

In 2025, to celebrate Hua Cheng’s 25th anniversary, our ACHIEVERS award recipients will receive even more special rewards. Stay tuned!

品学兼优奖 Achiever Award

学业飞跃奖 Academic Leap Award

Want to know more about our Chinese Enrichment Courses? Contact us today!