
Pedagogy Training for Teachers

In FEB 2023, Hua Cheng Education Centre is privileged to partner a Pedagogy Specialist to host an edifying session for our teachers, with a particular focus on supporting children with ADHD in the classroom. This session enabled our teachers to better communicate with fellow students.


Hua Cheng’s dedicated efforts to provide our teachers with ongoing professional training and skills development reflects our determination in affording our students with highest quality learning experiences. By investing in teachers’ development, we are confident that our students will benefit from an empathetic and nurturing learning environment.


2023 年 2 月,华程有幸协同一位资深儿童教学专家举办了一场启发性会议,为教师们提供多项如何有效与多动症儿童交流的建议。这堂宝贵的课程让我们的教师能够更好地与孩子们沟通并适时给予鼓励,为学子们提供更完善的学习体验。

