primary school chinese tuition

Student taking PSLE

What to Do After the PSLE Chinese Exam: A Guide for Parents and Students

The PSLE Chinese exam is a major milestone for students and their families, marking the end of an important chapter in their academic journey. After the exam, it’s crucial for students to take a moment to relax and celebrate their hard work. Yet, this time can also be a perfect opportunity to prepare for the

Smiling Student Girl In Classroom And Her Friends

3 Effective Tips To Ace PSLE Listening Comprehension

ENQUIRE NOW Is your child preparing for the listening comprehension papers of the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)? Did you know that excelling in this assessment is critical to your child’s growth? Listening comprehension tests evaluate your child’s vocabulary and ability to identify key concepts and draw accurate conclusions from what they’ve heard, which is

Improve Your Child's Chinese Oral Speaking Skills

How To Improve Your Child’s Chinese Oral Speaking Skills

ENQUIRE NOW The ability to communicate effectively in Chinese is essential for broadening your child’s academic horizons and setting a strong foundation for their future professional endeavours. However, many Singaporean students often prioritise English, resulting in challenges when it comes to learning Chinese. How then, can we go about supporting our children to perform better